(One Shot Drama - 10 Minutes)
With no money left in his pocket, Minho is suffering from depression caused by the death of his father. The owner of the funeral home visits him and consoles him with flowers. However, things become complicated with the arrival of Chulgi.
Genre: Drama, Social Injustice, Equity
Completion Date: November 2015
Language: Korean (English Subtitles)
Format: Stereo / NTSC / Black and White / MOV
Minho: Chan Hyun Kim
Chulgi: Geon Go
Owner: Daesong Moon
Producer: Lim Jiseok
Director: Nash Ang
Cinematographer: Byeongin Go
Sound Design: Bora Yoon
Music Director: Miguel Lorca
Minho: Chan Hyun Kim
Chulgi: Geon Go
Owner: Daesong Moon
Producer: Lim Jiseok
Director: Nash Ang
Cinematographer: Byeongin Go
Sound Design: Bora Yoon
Music Director: Miguel Lorca