
Nash Ang is a film director, cinematographer and also a performer. As an actor, he appeared on numerous Korean dramas and movies such as Cheoyong, Mama Fairy and the Woodcutter, The Running Mates: Human Rights and Arthdal Chronicles, where he represented Southeast Asians to another level by integrating native Filipino languages as part of the script of the main actors.

The Saviour (2016)

(One Shot Drama - 5 Minutes)

A lonely man is walking on the beach to attempt suicide. As he is about to kill himself, a pellicular thing happened…


Genre: Faith, Suicide, Drama
Completion Date: February 20, 2016
Language: Korean (English Subtitles)
Format: Stereo / NTSC / Black and White / MOV


Producer: Lim Jiseok
Director: Nash Ang
Cinematographer: Nash Ang
Editor: Nash Ang
Sound Design: Yuha Kim


Geon Go
Chanhyun Kim

Director's Statement

Life is cruel to some people. Is there a real saviour to help them?


Singkwento International Film Festival 2016
Manila Philippines  - February 20, 2016
Best Actor & Honorable Mention

Contact Nash Ang


Feel free to contact me to our orgainzation email address if you have work-related concerns.